The next morning the alarm sounded and immediately my mind went into over drive. It was a Saturday morning. Most families are having breakfast or watching cartoons with their children but we on the other hand had an agenda with a big ol USMC seal stamped at the top. We loaded hundreds of pounds of gear into two bags. Yes, two. My husband has acquired many skills in the military, he is now an efficient packer. Before we hopped into the car I went into the bathroom and had a silent cry. I looked at myself in the mirror and reminded myself that I am strong! But I made a point not to wear eyeliner. The worst part was waiting for the buses. It seemed like days.

After one last kiss I watched my entire world board a bus with his weapon over his shoulder and determination on his mind. Today I woke up to an empty house. I am certain that God equipped me with an autopilot button. I continue through the daily motions :shower, food, work, tv, bed, etc but mind is occupied because my heart is away training for war.